Monday, December 9, 2013

Merry Christmas!

As a child, one of my neighbors would go all out each year to decorate the outside of his house for Christmas. I would consider some Christmas decorations a great work of art, and probably my favorite to look at. My neighbor would start the day after Halloween to get everything ready and in the end it is diffidently worth it. Some day, if my wife lets me, I would love to do the same outside of my own house. The above images are just a couple examples of extreme Christmas lights. HGTV always have great shows talking with the people who do these and the time and money spent each year.

 Using what you have for an advantage. 

 In my opinion, one of the best ways to get someone to remember something is by being creative. the above three pictures are great examples of this. the top one is a billboard with a light pole in the way. to most people this would be a horrible spot to advertize, but the creator of this ad used it to better his ad as wee see a car crashing into it. this not only draws in people attention for being clever but also ads a 3 denominational effect along with it. the next one is Micky D's here they use the reflection of the glass background to complete the logo. (although this may only be possible with well know logos due to the effect being lost in the day time) and the last one i thought was the most creative by using the anchor rope from the ship to look as if a noodle. this gives me inspiration to use preexisting elements with the advertizements them self to have them stand out more than the others that may be around them.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

I came across this on the web and I find it true with almost all food ads. when have you ever opened up a fast food product that has ever looked as delicious as the picture? this being said, it is a great reminder that while doing advertisement you should have your finished product look the absolute best it could under perfect conditions. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Bathroom Ads

Bathroom Ads. Whether you are a guy or gal, you have probably noticed ads in bathrooms. The above images show some examples you have maybe seen. Guys most of the time you go to use a urinal there is something always posted right in front of you while you relive yourself. You can also find them on a stall door right at eye height while sitting down, and now they are starting to have ads built into the mirrors as you wash your hand. As you can see in the second pic, they are TV/mirror that as you walk up the sensor turns it back into a mirror.

In my opinion, these are very great and useful ways to advertise due to the fact people will look straight at them for at least a minute instead of just walk on by. These also work great for stores to put their coupons in. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013


One of my biggest fears is making an easy mistake on work that I am doing for a client. I found some of the biggest ads out there, billboards, that have mistakes. On the first one, it is an advertisement for a well established company, Porsche. There is an S missing in Boxster.  The next one has an ' in the word always that does not need to be there, and the last is a billboard that had the wrong date for voting. Sometimes things get looked over and that is why it is best to get as many eyes on your work as possible.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I ran across this Picture on the internet, and it grabbed my attention. This is a picture of a hand strap on a bus or train with someone using it. I think this is probably one of the most creative ways to advertise a product. Not only does a consumer see the ad, but as he/she uses the strap as it is intended they now see the product (a watch) on their wrist where they would wear it. And this is done without the customer stepping foot inside the store.

This gives me inspiration to see if I could create the same thing, something someone may use every day and when they do use it shows of a product at the same time.

Friday, October 25, 2013


Here are a couple logos I picked out that are very well known, name brand, type companies with some of the most simple designs. The first 3 here are just black and white, 3 slanted bars represents Adidas, a simple check mark (that has curve) for Nike, and The letter O for Oakley. The last one dose have one color, red, that looks like a target (I wonder what company this could be for?)

 I like these examples because when i work on designs I tend to try to make elaborate logos or ideas that just get to complicated and can lose its meaning or purpose, so these remind me simple can work too.