Thursday, September 12, 2013


I was drinking a red bull the other day and i notice that there logo was perfectly alined to when a right handed person is drinking it shows to everyone else, while the nutrition facts was covered up by the palm of your hand. I thought this was a geniuos idea for companies to use. They know exactly how someone will hold their product due to where you drink from so why not use this to their advantage to tell everyone, hey look at what this person is drinking. 
After going back to the store to buy one for a picture I realized that this is not the case with all their cans, they are all randomly placed, so sometimes your hand may be covering up their logo. This could be used in the future especially with a newer companies looking into cheap advertizement that they know will be seen.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if there are already some products that are the way you describe. It makes perfect sense!

    As I was reading the first paragraph, I wondered about whether all the cans were that way, but quickly found out, through your second paragraph, that they are randomly placed. Seems like someone would have thought of this already. I wonder how difficult it is with a perfectly round can to find a way to place the logo in the same place in relation to the drinking opening...

    Nice post! Interesting!
